Anand Impex Anand Impex
Anand Impex
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Manufacturer & Exporter of :
Surface Coating Equipments, Powder Coating Plants and Liquid Painting Plants
Accessories, Material Handling Systems.
Turnkey solutions for all surface finishing needs.

Our Products

» Surface Coating Equipments
» Pretreatment System DIP Type
» Booth Liquid Plants
» Ovens / Liquid / Powder  Coating
» Conveyorised Plants
» Pretreatment Systems Spray Type
» Booth / Reciprocator Powder Coating
» Material Handling
» Pollution Control Equipment


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Pretreatment Systems | Overhead Conveyor | Twin Hoist | Transporter | Booth Liquid Plant | Dry Back | Down Draft | Side Draft ( No Pump ) | Side Draft ( Wet Wall ) | Ovens Liquid / Powder Coating | Electric | OIL FIRED ( Diesel ) | Gas Fired | Infrared | Conveyorised Plant | Compact Plants For Auto / Small Parts | Aluminium Extrusion Coating Plants | Liquid / Powder | Completely Automated Plants | Turnkey Paint Shop | Pretreatment Systems Spray Type | Online Spray P.T. | Booth Reciprocator Powder Coating | AI - 122 | AI -234 | AI -248 | Manual Touchup Station, Pneumatic Reciprocator | Material Handling | Free Track Trolley | Overhead Conveyor | Belt Conveyor | Auto Indexing | Pollution Control | Post Filter